Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Fan Police Scam the Fans

The Clay Aiken Fandom is being scammed. There is a stalker in Clay Nation, an unexpected and dangerous one. One who sees herself as the leader of a secret group of trusted operatives. She has put together a spy/stalking operation against Clay and other fans so well-executed that it would put the CIA to shame. The planning involved was extensive, and involved several years, as the web of their informants and their contacts grew and spread, all at her directive. If this sounds ominous, it should. Especially if you are a fan of Clay Aiken, as we are.

You say What??? A Scam?? Why??? Why did this small group of fanatical, obsessed fans, led by the chief Stalker herself, go to all the effort to spin this web? Their self-avowed mission was to entrap and stop a blogger who was demeaning Clay Aiken, to weed out bad fans, and mostly, to shield Mr. Aiken from any and all attacks or threats. And they resorted to unethical behavior to accomplish their goals - scamming other fans -- and all in the name of what? Because they think they are always right and they are the last great protectors of Clay!!

This organization is run with an iron fist. They have a private, secret message board, with less than 100 hand-picked members. All members must pledge allegiance to their Leader, and any disagreement or mention that she could be wrong can lead to banishment from the group. Each member has her own job or area of expertise, such as scouring certain websites for information, or asking "suspicious" fans about their activities. Conversations with others are carefully sifted for information, because one never knows when a tidbit might become important later on. Once suspicions were raised about any fans, webs were spun in and around them, making sure any slipups would be duly reported. The squad would take pictures of houses, pictures of worksites, and pictures of 'suspects' themselves!

Some members also carefully mined contacts among and around Clay's friends and family, and among his employees and other members of his extended team. That way, the Chief Stalker could keep tabs on the man, and also convince herself that she was another invaluable member of Team Clay. She was also convinced she was getting the true inside story of his personal life. (Because obviously, employees, friends, and family are going to tell fans all of Clay's private dealings.)

Along the way, ethics went out the window as their behavior crossed the line into violations of privacy and friendship. But they vowed to do anything to accomplish their goals. This person has used her position as an administrator/moderator at Clay fan message boards, including RHT, Clayversity, Heartful House, and now Chexxxy's Place, to create a list of the IP addresses and other information about all fans who registered at these boards. (NOTE: CHEXXXY is no longer an admin at any of these boards except her own). Furthermore, huge violations of trust and authority were made. This person, in the name of protecting Clay, was reading PMs. Yes, Private Messages were read at these message boards. In the name of protecting Clay, violating the privacy of other members was not a concern.

You may wonder why "Chexxxy" is referred to here as a stalker. The traits are all there: Obsession with the person; acting as an authority of the person; thinking they are virtually a part of this person's close circle and team; and abuse of power so as to be important to the person - Mr. Clay Aiken. Furthermore, she and her band of brainwashed soldiers have convinced themselves that they are the TRUE FANS and protectors of the good name of Clay Aiken, and any behavior, including unethical behavior, is warranted.

So who is this "Chexxxy" person? And who are the fans that are spying onother fans? Names like claytango/orionne, TOTLAK/dekari, raleighlady/BARB, harpo/slytheringal, ShelleyC, jeramie/sugarbaby, vangogh/RayBee, misstacky/childy, merryclay/wiley, sapphire, Ivy, and many others.

Who are we? FANS. Fans of Clay Aiken. A singer with the most amazing voice. A singer who does many good things. A singer who is also a person. A singer who we think is being violated by this group of people who call themselves fans. They stalk him and his fans who don't meet their standards. And they publish rumors about his private life. True or not, they are delving into the private life of a man who has said his private life is private. These fans also think they have the right to define what it is to be a "good fan" or a "bad fan". And who made them judge and jury?

Didn't this man say something about IGNORE in his blog recently, implying he didn't need the fans' protection? And what was that in response to? That was in response to an organized effort by THIS SAME GROUP OF "FANS" to take down his fan club, because the behavior of other fans did not meet their standards and they wanted them ousted. If we as fans stand by and continue to let this happen, we never know when we will be next.

Let us introduce you to Chexxxy and her gang of stalker/spies playing this nasty game. Stay tuned.

(Here's a prediction. When this blog hits, the Chexxxy followers will be posting saying that we are haters and that anybody who doesn't support Chexxxy and their mission is a bad fan and should be exposed.)


Anonymous said...

First and foremost, I just want it to be known that I'm NOT a chexxxy follower.

Secondly, THANK YOU for posting this blog. Seriously, if I knew who you were, I would probably kiss you right now. ;) thank you, thank you thank you!
Finally, someone who has a brain and knows how to use commom sense.

Can't wait to see what you'll be writing next.

John Paulus said...

I support your blog. She has done him more harm and continues to harm him.

a shadow said...

Just a note - for those who don't yet know who Chexxxy is, she is no longer an administrator at any message board other than her own.

Anonymous said...

Was she or wasn't she a moderator at Clayversity? I have never accessed that site.

Most fans know that chexxxy is Titian at the OFC and the infamous TAiken at the other boards.

a shadow said...

Ok, so we let "Jonah Cruise's" comment through.

We want to say something. If you really mean what you say in supporting what we said, be a bigger person and stop your attacks on Clay. Let the fans have fun. As of now, you and Chexxxy are battling for the top spot. So stop, and prove you are better than she is.

Anonymous said...

Whoa!! Your blog is an eye opener!

So let me get this straight ..

It's the people in the fandom that most people think are nutjobs that have convinced everyone else that they are the ones who should be leading us??? And telling us what to think and who to trust???

Oh, myyyyy....

I really need to think about this . This is very, very, very disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone else is on the same page as you are. I think the fans have had enough of the bullies.

Here's another blog:


Anonymous said...

Finally, a voice of reason.

Anonymous said...

lassie has 2 blogs?

Anonymous said...

Very funny. As if a hater's blog wouldn't be recognized.... or are you the "fan" who was recently outed as covering up for the scammers now being revealed by Chexxxy? Makes sense.

a shadow said...

So, Chexxxy people, your responses to the truth about your tactics is to blame others, once again? Thank you for validating the accuracy of the blog and proving the prediction. Anyone who doesn't agree with your tactics is a hater.

So when are you going to come clean about your involvement in scamming the fans?

Anonymous said...

The writer of this blog is one to beware of--obviously someone with something to hide and does not want to be found out so the writer is casting stones at a person who is trying to do good for Clay and the fans. If that involves revealing who the fake fans are then so be it. Why don't you just go find fake Clay and walk away together? And take Jonah with you--the one man who lays claim to singlehandedly destroying Clay Aiken. I'm sure the three of you can find another star and fans to harrass and stalk.

Anonymous said...

Oh great, JP thinks you doing an amazing job. Stalker boy loves you.

Hi, Lassie!!

Anonymous said...

I don't care if anyone was duped or talked to the Fake Clay and is carrying his baby.

I DO CARE that this shit has energized the prick over at the swamp.

Why can't people leave well enough alone for God's sake.

He had a few minions still there but now it's like freaking 2006 all over again.

For that, I blame Chexxxy and her clan.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like JP isn't harming him. What a prick.

The idea he can come over here and play nice makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

More harm than you JP, hardly. I don't agree with her tactics but for you to come here and act so fricking righteous makes me want to puke.

You are responsible for all this, asshole.

Anonymous said...

The blog is so full of inaccuracies it is very misleading and disturbing. Somemone's out to get Chexxxy because Chexxxy wants to stop the imposters from preying on the fans. Ok...then. All fans who want to be part of fake Clay's inner circle sign up here. The imposters will show you some fun and bring down Clay at the same time. Oh, my last post was not allowed to be seen.

a shadow said...

JonahCruise, we got your comments but we are not going to get into a discussion with you. Like we said, if you support what we say, then leave Clay alone. Whether you think you have the truth or not, for you it's all about hurting Clay, so just please stop.

Anonymous said...

Chexxxy is doing Clay harm, but NO ONE has done him more harm then JP and those that have aligned themselves with him, period, NO ONE.

Clay said he doesn't need or want to be defended, but some people think that they know better then then man himself what he needs.

Anonymous said...

Another THANK YOU for posting this blog.

I don't care what "truth" John Paulus has at this point. What he does to Clay goes beyond the point of human decency. He is a man who is hell bent on complete and total destruction of Clay Aiken, not only his career but also breaking his spirit as a human being.

With that said, the "fan police" have stuck their noses where they don't belong one too many times. Clay asked that they IGNORE but they ARE unable to control themselves.

To John Paulus and to Chexxxy, some of us sane fans just want to enjoy Clay's voice. We don't care about his personal life or any of this other nonsense. Stop doing things to take that away from us before the man is totally destroyed.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus will never quit. You can't be serious to think he would. Why would he? He gets his jollies off stalking and harrassing's what he does.

He thrives on this crap.

Anonymous said...

a shadow. Can you please clarify your statement about the PMS. Did Taiken hack into the private messaging systems of these boards?
Are the administrators of these aware of this if it took place?

a shadow said...

Anon 3:00, yes, she was reading actual PMs. We don't know if you have to hack or how it works. If you google, you can find out that it is possible. Definitely at Chexxxy's, and most likely when she was an admin/mod at the other boards. This operation has been going on for a long time. The crazy thing is the people who knew about this treated it as a necessary activity. Something like the government reading your mail to follow your life. Our opinion is they felt the ends justify the means, and we disagree. Where does it stop? How much do they know about every fan?

a shadow said...

Anon 2:55. We agree!! Isn't it crazy that JP's activity increased dramatically right when Chexxxy started her expose? The Chexxxy people deflect deflect deflect. Note they have not once here denied that what this blog says about their tactics is true. They just say you are a bad fan if you do not support Chexxxy. Why did they not just handle all this privately instead of making a public spectacle? Well, for one, Chexxxy probably wants Clay to think she is his savior and then she will be important to him and she can have personal contact. The obsession with needing to protect Clay, save Clay, etc, is dangerous. We know more things about their tactics that we haven't said yet. Where is the line drawn? If she really cared about Clay, it would have been handled behind the scenes. There have been Fake Clays since the beginning of American Idol. There will be Fake Clays in the future. It happens to celebrities. Let Clay's security and legal team deal with it when they can, and let the fans enjoy the man and his singing and his personality and his philanthropy. Who said they can speak for all the fans? Show the dictate signed by Clay Aiken that they are doing what he wants.

Anonymous said...

Thank for the clarification.

Anonymous said...

I think if I was Clay Aiken right about now, I'd just shake my head and walk away from it all for a couple of years. It can't be worth the hassle of everybody fighting over who's right and who's wrong and who loves him and who hates him, and he'd have to be deaf and blind not to know what's being said about him. Maybe I'm wrong but I just got online a year ago and had only heard the story that JP tells as gossip. Some of the vicious things I've read the last few months would have broken my spirit months ago. Clay must be pretty strong to handle half of it. I blame JP for starting this whole thing, till he came along I hadn't heard anything bad about Clay. What an evil little man he is, (JP)

Anonymous said...

For some reason my blog entries are missing words. I apologize if the read as in-cohorent.

I would like to say that I and others have had knowledge of Taiken, childywildy and gang's tactics years prior to John Paulus entering the picture.

I hope this blog is a focus on their behavior and not deflected on Paulus.

Anonymous said...

Jonah Cruise said...
I support your blog. She has done him more harm and continues to harm him.

September 23, 2007 2:21 AM

Well that tells me all I need to know to know about this blog.

Anonymous said...

John Paulus will never quit. You can't be serious to think he would. Why would he? He gets his jollies off stalking and harrassing's what he does.

He thrives on this crap.

September 23, 2007 2:55 PM

JP does these things because he has a captive audience. Stop being a spectator and ignore it. Soon, he'll be left with no one to talk to but himself.

Anonymous said...

Chexxy's blog only incites JP to go further and further with his lies. Surely she can't be that stupid not to realize that. Is she really just a dedicated fan or one of those people that say if I can't have him, nobody can, because she's pushing him into disappearing. We would all be the losers if that happened. He's an amazing singer and person.

a shadow said...

Anonymous 3:45, yes, he wants an audience. Chexxxy gave him a new one. She should be proud. And all her followers can do is say it is everyone else's fault and because they are out to save Clay, their behavior is beyond reproach.

a shadow said...

Anon 3:41, our intent is definitely to not discuss JP. Comments that are all about him are rejected. We aren't going to make this a blog about him. This is about the tactics of a group of people. The leader has shown serious stalking behavior. The leader has done things to violate other fans trust, in the name of helping Clay. Sounds like a stalker to me. Add to that, she has a group of brainwashed followers who condone her actions. Obviously this isn't on the scale of historical events, but it makes you understand how someone like Hitler can make a nation of people do what they did. How did Jim Johes get those people to drink that drink? David Koresh? Other cult leaders? The group think sounds like a cult. WE KNOW that people who disagreed were kicked out.

Anonymous said...

I don't spend anytime at the swamp. I refuse to give him any more attention than the gnat he is.

Chexxxy, on the other hand, is the one who stirred up the hornet's nest.

They both talk about it being a game. Neither will back down because it's all about winning. What bullshit.

Clay is the one paying the price. It's not their job to protect him.

Anonymous said...

Chexxxy, come out and defend your actions. Don't hide behind your screen and let your followers try to explain what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Shadow, do you have a Blogger email address?

Anonymous said...

Although I do appreciate knowing the truth of all of this and I agree that Chexxxy or whoever she really is is the one who caused this current storm, I don't feel good about it all being exposed for the public to see. I guess I am always and forever concerned about how things effect Clay's reputation and this kind of fan stuff looks really crazy. I would hate for any media to grab this story and run with it because it is so convoluted and makes us all look totally insane.

So, if I have this right, there are secret boards and private boards and crazy obsessed people who think they are fans running around spying on all the other fans and JP gets the benefit of it all because the leader of this spy group has caused him to re emerge with a vengeance. All of this going on while Clay deals with a death in his family. Can we stop now and show some restraint. Isn't this really about Clay and why does anyone think she has the right to impose her brand of justice in his name? Doesn't he get to take care of his own business in his own way? My gosh he is an adult. Surely he is well aware of JP. Fans/spies need to get the heck out of this and let Clay do what he needs to do.

Does anyone know who this Chexxxy person really is? Does anyone know any of these people? Some of the names look familiar but i am not much of a poster anywhere so I don't pay attention to names. Is everyone hiding behind screen names without anyone really knowing who is who?

Anonymous said...

Chexxxy's blog posted a photo of a teen and an older woman. She identified the teen as one who had been scamming fans, posing as Clay's girlfriend. The older woman was identified as a known Clay fan.
Only, Chexxy was wrong. So she took those photos down. She said they were taken down because the girl was underage.

She took the photos down, and put up other photos of the "fake girlfriend/scammer." Then another photo, of a THIRD girl, who is also a fake girlfriend.
Two names were attributed to the first girl - Balletskater and skatermom. Now, she says the second girl is balletskater, and the third girl is skatermom.

But, everybody should be assured that Chexxxy knows what she's doing, she knows the truth, and everything she says is right.
Except when it isn't.

Anonymous said...

You're right 6:16. All this fan fighting and guess who will be the laughingstock, not Chexxxy, not JP, Clay of course. Especially if it hits the tabloids, as I'm sure some questionable fans would love to see. With the OFC closed down right now, they'll make a big story about it having to do with the fans fighting again. Poor Clay, with fans like these who needs enemies!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to think about this. I think Chexxxy's methods are despicable and always have. I've posted blogs against her and believe that she and her minions are reprehensible. She and Paulus are in essence two sides of the same person.

She should have turned this information in to Clay's people and exposed the hoax to them, I agree, however I was unaware that there were Fake Clays and people who sounded like him. Part of me was happy to see this stuff finally brought to light. Who is to know who still could have been caught in a scam?

I disagree about this too: that exposure of fakes harms Clay. You haven't made the case for that, IMO. Riling up the real stalker is the worst of it and he's increasingly and obviously to me stone crazy and this latest of his breakouts has served to make me realize the extent of his hubris and his lies. I no longer fear him, finally. I'm grateful for that.

I hate what all of this has done to Clay and to his diminishing group of fans. A fan is a fan is a fan. There are no good fans or bad fans. There are only his fans and what they believe about his personal life has no bearing on this.

That said, I can't believe I'm saying this, but a shadow? I'm not sure you are helping anything. I approve of your sentiments but I am not sure that your methods will serve to bring healing.

Did you intend it to? If not, what is your intention? How will this help Clay?

a shadow said...

ttimesoutofmind said: That said, I can't believe I'm saying this, but a shadow? I'm not sure you are helping anything. I approve of your sentiments but I am not sure that your methods will serve to bring healing.

You raised some very thought-provoking ideas in your post. We will certainly consider them as we prepare the next blog.

Writing this was not an easy task, as we were fully aware that we were talking about fellow fans. But in all good conscience, letting them continue to spy and conspire against fellow fans seemed more wrong than revealing their secrets.

Thank you for posting your comments, and please come back if other ideas come to mind.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say. I support Clay period.

I don't need him to fit ANY image, from ANY perspective. I don't need him to be a Christian. I don't care who he has sex with, how many, or how often. I don't need him to justify his life, actions, or the words out of his mouth (interpreted or misinterpreted).

Every person must experience life in their own way, to learn who they truly are.

Microscopes and Puppet Masters are not meant for human beings.

Anonymous said...

Now I know who chexxy is Or do I!

Anonymous said...

How pathetic is it that Chexxxxxxxy's self-righteous crusade only succeeds in stirring things up, giving JP attention, and bringing attention onto herself - oh WAIT - that is the idea - DUH - all hail Chexxxxxxxxxy, Savior of ClayNation!! Only not. I know from experience how fan police create tales out of thin air to "prove" their accusations. So - are all of Chexxxxxxxxy's tales true - or are they as off-base as those she seeks to accuse? Pot meet kettle. Times ten.

What a sad, sick situation. Bravo, fan police!! All you succeed in doing - is delighting JP and his few supporters. IGNORE as someone we "know" said. But of course - you "know" better - or you always think you do. Chexxxxxxxxy knows better than Clay what is going on within his inner circle - she knows Everything!! Quick - what is his favorite color?!! Yeah right.

Che(lotsa Xs)y and her select fan police have become the Ultimate Cyber Bullies - all while patting themselves on the backs for doing so - and all in the "name" of Clay to "protect" him.

And this?

The writer of this blog is one to beware of--obviously someone with something to hide and does not want to be found out so the writer is casting stones at a person who is trying to do good for Clay and the fans. If that involves revealing who the fake fans are then so be it.

Too funny - and sadly predictable.
Agree with the fan police - or you are a suspect, a liar and obviously are out to get Clay.

The "bad" fans are the fan police bullies - who want us all to share in their fanspeak and bullying and be of one mind. And anoint the X-person as the Best Fan Ever.

Sorry - no can do.

Anonymous said...

If Chexxxy really cared about Clay she would have turned over what she knew to Clay's people, not posted on her blog about it. She had her phone call with Clay's mom, she could have brought it up then. And if they weren't interested, then the authorities could have been informed, as she seems to be saying there was actual fraud involved. But, no, she would rather promote herself and cause fear and panic in the fandom, than do what is best for Clay.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I am heartened to see more and more people stand up to the insanity that is Chexxxy and her band of followers. These people and their cult of intimidation have led many fans to leave in disgust. And this would include people who have never even been called out by Chexxxy and have never been involved in what they would consider "questionable" fan activities. I know a few people who found that the fan experience had become so unpleasant and unhealthy that they just walked away to find some sanity in their lives.

I hope that Chexxxy and her minions are thrilled to see Clay losing revenue because of their thuggish tactics. The more they escalate, the more they just blend in with the hate bloggers. I am failing now to see any significant difference in their behavior from the Fraud Squad or JP's people, other than the fact they play on the "opposing" team.

I have a friend who was falsely accused on their "Hall of Shame" when she hadn't even been a Clay fan in several years and hadn't even given the man a thought in ages. In their rush to find the "bad guys", they often made sloppy mistakes.

At the same time, I'm not sure it's a good idea to begin calling out people over here, as I'd like to think that outing people is limited to Chexxxy and her people. Yes, I know that Chexxxy is T'Aiken, and I've known that for some time. I applaud CV for taking a stand and removing her from being an admin. However, I have to ask- are you ABSOLUTELY sure that you are correct about all the people you outed in this blog? And how do you know that these people are involved? I see lots of screen names but no proof that, for example, ShelleyC is HollyGoLightly.

Though I applaud you taking a stand, I would hate to see innocent people maligned the way Chexxxy has maligned innocent people. And at some point, the battling has to stop on all sides. Not even Clay is worth all this drama.

a shadow said...

anonymous 8:12 said: Though I applaud you taking a stand, I would hate to see innocent people maligned the way Chexxxy has maligned innocent people. And at some point, the battling has to stop on all sides. Not even Clay is worth all this drama.

Another thought-provoking comment. We thank you for raising these important issues in your post. No, it's not right to post names or photographs of people, and we discussed the ramifications if we participated in the same 'game' as Chexxxy and her people. We plan to bring this up in our next blog.

If you know of other fans unfairly named by either Chexxxy or this blog, please let us know. As comments are moderated, nothing will be publicly seen unless you give permission. We want to be fair and reasonable, but we also want this crap to stop.

Anonymous said...

This whole fan stuff is just unbelievable. I have one question. What is it about Clay Aiken that inspires such lunacy? Fake Clays, imposters, con artists? You would expect this from a heavy metal artist, a rapper maybe, but a MOR, milquetoast vanilla artist. It's funny as hell to me. I know this will probably not pass moderation, but I am gonna try any way. Furthermore this crap preceeded the crazy JP. I have been around from the beginning. Not as a fan, but as an observer. It gets scarier as his popularity wanes. That is a point to ponder.

Anonymous said...

I see you want to know about fans being harrassed. What about innocent people who are not fans who were being maligned? Or are only fans casualties of this war.

Anonymous said...

9:41 needs to go home to the swamp.

If the writers of this blog have never dealt with this stuff, be prepared to be inundated with hate disguised as "concern".

If you allow them to make Clay the punching bag, then this is no better than the swamp.

Anonymous said...

a shadow, thank you so much for a very sane and fair response to my post at 8:12 am. It is obvious to me that you are cut of a different cloth than Chexxxy, who sees the world in black and white. You either agree with all of her tactics, or you are out to get Clay. There are many of us out there who have no intentions of hurting Clay... who are loyal fans... who nonetheless trust Clay to conduct his own business and to take care of himself.

Anonymous at 9:41 am- though I agree that there is plenty of lunacy in the fandom, I would also include being an "observer" of a fandom for four years fairly loony as well. If I'm not into something, I can't imagine spending my time reading about it for FOUR YEARS, amusing or not. Nothing amuses me that much.

Anonymous said...

anon 9-24, 8:08 AM, I agree with you.

Why not just turn all this information over to Clay and let him deal with it in the way HE wants?

If actual fraud was committed, then let those defrauded turn to the proper authorities.

A message board, or two, being duped just shows their own stupidity, nothing more. His own words are ignored time and time again, he doesn't want or need to be defended and/or "protected" by the fans.

Anonymous said...

Chexxy and JP both need to stop playing a game that only leaves hate and loss in its wake.

I appreciate a place to talk about both of these people who do so much harm without getting sucked into either of thier agendas.

But Shadow, I hope you know what you are getting into. Either of these people are capable of digging into your personal life, posting your name and address and that of your employer and encouraging bored and malcontent trolls to enjoy harrassing you. It's like being thrown to the lions. And why ? Cause you thought that kid on AI could sing good. Wow. What the heck road did we all take from there ?

Welcome to the internet.

Trolls abound on the internet and they take great pleasure in eating anyone they find easy bait. What easier prey than middle aged fans of a nerdy kind of singer. It's like shooting fish in a barrel for them. Please tred easy, Shadow, because you are putting yourself out there as a target and they are looking for the pleasure.

Anonymous said...

The righteous indignation of Chexxxy and her crew makes me sick.

Shadow, I don't know who you are but this will not stop these people. They view the world in black and white. They are right, the rest of the world is wrong.

You can't fight that kind of mentality. Every time another person from the clan is exposed, it energizes them to be even more hypervigilant in proving they are right.

They don't care that what they are doing is having a negative impact on Clay. It's all about them now.

Selfish, selfish bitches.

If they were such "good" fans, they would stop this, shut the hell up and let Clay handle it as he sees fit.

That doesn't fit their plan to save the world so don't hold your breath.

It's so out of control now, I hope Clay walks away from it all with a big Kiss My Ass on the way out.

He is the only reason I'm involved in this fandom. The rest of this shit is just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Just curious.

Does the word/concept CONTROL ever tickle anyone's brain?

Anonymous said...

Chexxxy/Taiken and her gang of cyberbullies have done more harm to this fandom than JP has. What bothers me is these bullies with their rhetoric of respect for Clay and his good name suck in the unknowing fans as their allies in this quest to save Clay by turning fans against one another. The Hurtful House bullies have been chipping away at the foundation of this fandom for a long time, JP just gave them more impetous and a weapon to use in their psychotic quest.

There's a reason why Chexxxy/Taiken was removed as an administrator from all of the above boards, wake up people.

I'm not a fake clay fan, nor an OC fan, I belong to no group or board, I'm just a fan who has watched these people destroy this fandom and whittle it away fan by fan for years.

Anonymous said...

9:46 PM, I have to agree with you. I was shocked to discover that there were people doing all sorts of unsavory spying on other fans and claiming to be doing it to protect Clay. So far, all they have done is create a cesspool where some fans gather to tear apart others. The hatred and negativity that these people put out is maddening and not helpful to Clay at all. It is the antithesis of what Clay Aiken stands for.

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank you for your blog! I'm glad "a shadow" that you have taken the bull by the horns to expose Chexxxy and her sorry ilk for what they really are! They are the pathological stalkers! Good and moral fans, my ass!

I was also a victim of their "Hall of Shame", my photo was posted and one of her band said that they had my name, address, etc. It's disgusting! And I'm sure on some level, ILLEGAL!

They are absolute control freaks. Likely in their real lives they have no power at their jobs (if applicable) or in their relationships, so they turn to the internet in order to gain not only power, but attention as well.

They are also deluded if they think that Clay himself would tap any of these morons on the shoulder and say, "Yes, I need YOU to be my security and tell the other fans what to do." AS IF!

Again, a shadow, thank you for your blog.