Fakes. There have always been fakes in the celebrity world. The advent of the internet and online fandoms has brought about a whole new set of problems, that of people pretending to be the celebrity online and convincing fans. In the Clay fandom, there have been rumors of fake Clays since the very beginning. People learned to roll their eyes, shrug their shoulders, and deal.

This would all be semi-amusing except the pictures are of real people, and real people know them. Is the information correct? Would the Chief Online Investigator (COI) know? Why trust her "knowledge," which comes from sources who may only have an incomplete story or are simply taking the word of another, or taking the word of people who themselves are stalkers of Clay's family and friends! Why do they think anyone who really knows Clay is going to tell THEM anything? All of which begs these questions: Is their "knowledge" to be trusted? And better yet, WHY the hell are they doing this anyway? WHO does this help?
The rhetoric of the COI and her followers is full of righteous indignation about how wonderful the COI is, how she is trying to save Clay from those perpetuating the 'scam', how awful and evil the 'scammers' are, and how those who don't support the COI are haters and out to ruin Clay. It's also unsettling that a swarm of new members, ostensibly eager to be in on the action, have joined Chexxxy's Place, swearing their allegiance to Chexxxy and her methods.
What exactly do the COI and her crack team hope to accomplish?
One assumes they are looking for 'fake Clay,' but all they really seem to be doing is pointing out people they call bad fans, using no proof and plenty of insinuation. The idea that fans can trust each other is a thing of the past. The regretful new mantra of the Clay Nation is "Trust No One." Yes, this is the inevitable outcome of rumor-mongering and finger-pointing.

Why is this happening?
Since it appears most likely that there has been a fake Clay causing problems, then why not turn it over to Clay's security and be done with it? Clay has professional security people. He doesn't need 'fan police' running around "investigating" when he has trained professionals.
By making this such a public mess, the COI has hurt people, and provoked an obsessed blogger who didn't need to be provoked. Even more ominous, this blog has been informed of private investigators being hired by the COI and her wealthy bankrollers. That's right -- real, paid private investigators to investigate the backgrounds of fans that Chexxxy and her gang think are not "good" enough, or who are in some way "suspicious," according to their standards.
What would happen if the COI and her team would hang up their spyglasses, give their information to Clay's security, and let the fandom settle down to enjoy Clay's activities in the coming months? After all, tabloids take "evidence" and make life miserable for people... people like Clay!! How do they really KNOW that they are helping Clay? Or is this just a way to make themselves feel better by finding people to blame for things they can't control?
Tabloid mentality, stalking, private investigators, and fans not trusting each other—is this what this fandom is really becoming? How is this a good thing?
They are hiring private investigators? To go after who? Bad fans? She won't be happy until her and her ilk are the only ones left in the fandom. After all, they are just the "bestest fans evah!"
I believe that what you are sharing here is significant and needs to be known by those who are interested in this mess. I also believe, with all my heart, that Clay knows nothing about it and most of his fans know nothing about this insanity either. Fortunately,for Clay,he is moving right along on his path. He has some wonderful things coming up and I hope we can all get back to enjoying him and not let these lowlifes take away our fun or our joy. I'm not saying not to expose these crazies but let's all face it, there are crazy folks everywhere. We in the Clay Nation have our own insane asylum. It's sad but true and very much a part of any large community.
What makes you think that Clay's people don't know about any of this?
You are naive.
Moreso, you have an unhealthy suspicion of fans who have nothing to hide.
What are YOU hiding?
A comment was accidentally deleted, and it was quite well-written. Could you please repost? I apologize!
"A Chexxxy fan"
That says it all. I don't believe they have anything to hide here. They are not the ones hiding behind a private message board, throwing up pictures of people and their houses, collecting phone numbers & addresses. Suspicion? Chexxxy and her ilk are suspicious of anybody they deem a "bad fan".
Why is it that Chexxxy and her crew make their way over to any blog that is talking about them and cry foul? Hit a nerve?
So, anon 4:45, Clay's people hired Chexxxy and her clan to do this bullshit?
I don't believe it and, seriously, if you do, I feel very sorry for you.
If Clay and his people know about this then perhaps YOU should follow his lead and let them handle it.
What I find very interesting is the very people Chexxxy/T'aiken used to tear apart on her private board, for being idiots and fools, are now her bestest sheep.
These people will never see any way but their way because they are absolutely positive that they are the "chosen" fans.
It's enough to make ya puke.
Well this is what happens when you all enjoyed how these same fans went after Emach in the beginning. You had to know that they would eventually turn that paranoid snooping inward toward the fandom. You all should have spoken up then and let them know that it was unacceptable to publish pictures, names of people outside the fandom. Blame yourselves for letting this fester.
I think that Clay would go running if he knew that there are fans paying private investigators to dig dirt on people under the guise of "helping" him, especially when he has said STOP, don't. As has been said, he has a security team and it should be used if someone feels there is a "threat" to Clay.
Once again, who died and appointed Chexxxy the Clay Nation fan police?
While I despise what Chexxxy and her crew are doing to the fans, Emach doesn't get a pass from me. She and her merry maids were nasty, conniving and vicious.
She was proud of the crap she instigated and being exposed was her own fault not the fault of the Clay fans.
A Shadow, can you please clarify something for me. When you talk about what Chexxxy and her people are doing with respect to private investigators, etc., are you talking about this happening on the messageboard "Chexxxy's Place," or are you talking about another more secret and underground messageboard run by Chexxxy and a few of the same people who are at the larger messageboard?
(Still trying to wrap my mind about the hiring of private investigators .. unreal!!)
wondering, thank you for asking this question. Yes, there is a small, super-private board started by Chexxxy/TAiken in February 2006. That board has less than 100 members, from all different boards.
However, the ones involved with the 'Fan Police' number less than ten, so they may have yet another even more secret board to hash out their plans.
These boards are entirely separate from "Chexxxy's Place," even though some of the members may be the same.
If there has been a fake Clay causing problems, then why not turn it over to Clay's security and be done with it?
IF there has been a fake Clay? I'd be shocked if there wasn't. You've pointed out that every celebrity has them so why the if, shadow? Or do you mean *if* they've caused problems? Well, I'd say yes at least to the fans themselves. The continuing questioning of the existence of fake Clays is what troubles me about this blog. I'm as cynical as they come but I think there have been more than one and they've detrimental to the fandom.
Do you have reason to believe there haven't been any fake Clays? If not, why question the existence of such?
To repeat though, to question the existence of mischief-making, fan-contacting, cyber-sexing fake Clays makes me wonder if the blogger thinks the real Clay is at work, not a fake Clay.
You'd have to provide a hell of a lot of proof to get me to believe that.
OTOH, I don't for a minute believe that Clay's people know of or approve of Chexxxy. Her form of fandom secret police should be outright condemned by all fan boards and I've always thought it should be openly. The damage she causes exceeds what she is trying to stop, I think. She is the fans' worst enemy, not those she fights. Any information of a substantive nature should have been turned immediately over to his people.
Its quite a charge that she's hired people to investigate fans. That's not decent behavior by any standard. Then again, that means I'll have to take the rumor as fact, just as I am being exhorted not to do with Chexxxy. Is publicizing this rumor without proof any better than what Chexxxy has done in her clumsy, damaging way?
I wish everyone would stand down. I agree with anonymous 4:33 who says Clay is moving along his path. I believe that he does leave this shit to the professionals.
I don't think any of this has much to do with the real Clay Aiken and his real life, but everything to do with the fans.
What if nobody is guilty?
And ... somebody's "guilty," just probably not many/most/all of the fans whom Chexxxy's accused. Perhaps they are just guilty of innocent fun impersonating friends of Clay or Clay himself. Define innocent as you will.
It's been puzzling and sad to watch fans that at one point in time were funny and smart turn a corner into madness. Fans who at one time were good people with common sense and decency have turned into people no longer recognizable with characteristics bordering on mental illness.
How did this happen? They are lost, trapped in a world of paranoia. My hope is that other fans will recognize that these people have been led down and are leading others down the wrong path. What they are doing will hurt this fandom and in doing so will hurt Clay's career. Do not be sucked into this with them.
We are all fans otherwise we wouldn't be on the message boards, buying CDs, going to concerts, don't fall for the traps they are setting, watch out for rhetoric that incites division.
anonymous 4:59 pm: Thank you for pointing out some inaccuracies in our wording. We have made corrections.
Considering how ill written it was, thank you for understanding my point.
That there is an even more secret board scares me spitless. I've heard tell of such a board but I admit I couldn't believe they'd go to those lengths. With Chexxxy publishing her findings, I now believe it.
Word to anonymous 5:40. There is no litmus test for being a fan of his. Wouldn't it be nice to unite this fractured fandom instead of tearing it apart? I don't like Chexxxy's tactics or the results of them but I do believe she's a fan.
Would that she could grant that everyone else who calls themselves a fan knows their own heart. I know she's succeeded in driving people off boards and possibly out of the fandom. How does she think this helps Clay?
Stand down, Chexxxy. Let the professionals do their jobs. This craziness will only hurt the one you profess you'd never harm.
5:40 PM, I agree with what you are saying. I think it is so sad that some people are creating so much angst and drama and that others are being influenced. It is so hard to imagine that these are grown women who have lost the ability to enjoy Clay and have somehow managed to become engrossed in a drama of their own making. To think that the anyone outside of this group would be interested or invested in this is also very curious to me. For most people Clay is merely a singer with a great voice. Why expose all of this to the public or risk it? It makes no sense to me. Who sre the targets for this info? Who will it help? Certainly not Clay and the fans involved are primarily adults, despite the attempts to show there are minors being fooled.
I firmly believe that Clay is not touched by it all and that he is in a totally different place with his life and career. He has been very clear about where he stands regarding those who don't like him or hate him. He has also been clear about where he stands regarding taking back his privacy and fans not interfering. Being a fan gives no one the right to intrude on his life and interfere with his business. Hiring a private investigato crosses such a major line that I almost can't believe anyone would go that far. That is truly bizarre and shows the depth of the paranoia. He knows there are negative people out there trying to take him down. He has made a decision on how to deal with that and I just wish the fans would follow his wishes and stop taking things into their own hands.
So, the names of people she hired a PI to search out are on a new super secret board? Sorry. I'm just confused. I just sit here and shake my head at all of it. Unbelievable.
The fandom is dying.
Unfortunately, the fandom may be burdened with Chexxxy forever, damn it.
John Paulus just blinked first. She'll think she won when really nobody won, everyone has lost.
What upsets me about all this, apart from the very real threat to fans from people like Chexxxy having their private information, is what it could mean for Clay if the press ever get wind of this madness and decide to report on it. He will look like a laughing stock. Maybe next time he's on Kimmel, instead of bragging about his fans' ability to kick someone's ass, he could ask them to dial it down a bit. Outside being arrested, CLAY is the only person who can maybe get these lunatics yo stop.
Anon 8:25 even Clay himself can't get these people to stop, he has already asked (after their hand in getting the OFCMB shut down for a few days) and they continue to ignored his request to "stop defending him".
They think they know better then the man himself what he wants or needs.
I'm still confused about "Chexxxy's Place" and another "super secret board".
When you click on the link for Chexxxy's Place, (I have a screen name there, but never posted there it) and sign on, you can't see anything since all the threads were made "private", even to "members" who were deemed "not worthy" (me, I guess, since I never posted). Is there yet another board aside from this one?
Not that I care, because like I mentioned, I never posted there, only read a couple of threads when the board first opened. I've only gone there recently to see what was doing over there when all this mess started with the fan police and saw NO THREADS at all even though it showed me signed in and online. Weird.
It's all too clear that folks of Chexxy's ilk need some other activity to direct their energies to.
Perhaps serving meals at a homeless shelter or visiting the elderly would be a better way to channel all that energy and do something GOOD for the world since they seem to be so concerned with doing "what's right". God knows if they continue on their rampage, there won't be much of a fandom left!
bewildered: "They think they know better then the man himself what he wants or needs."
Actually, they think they're doing this at Clay's request. Yes, they actually believe that Clay himself, through a representative, has asked them to do this.
Maybe there's another Fake Clay - the one who's been talking to Chexxxy.
From what I have learned about all of this, Chexxxy is the ring leader and has a smaller private/secret board with selected fans who think they are doing it all for Clay's sake. There is a member who claims to have close connections to Clay's close people and even his family but from what I have been told, many question her truthfulness so who knows. More players and posers. I can't imagine that anyone really close to Clay's friends/people/family would be part of this mess. Can you imagine being in that close relationship with his people and being part of this insanity? She would have to crazy herself if that were the case. It doesn't add up in my book.
I know this sounds crazy, but the whole thing is crazy. Is it at all possible that chexxxy stumbled onto a plot to foil jp? As I read the stuff going on at jp's blog last night, that thought hit me, because the people involved were obviously putting one over on the stalker, otherwise he wouldn't have been so freaked and pissed.
It's very hard for me to imagine that those people, who love Clay so much, would ever turn against him.
It makes much more sense that they were trying to trap jp. And in many ways, they did make a fool out of him. I don't think they got to deal the final blow because chexxxy accidentally messed stuff up.
anonymous 1:39 pm: That's a very interesting idea, that those people were scamming jp.
We will give this much more thought.
If they were scamming JP then they were doing it to fans as well. I learned that some fans who are pretty well known, actually believed they were talking to Clay so I do think there was an actual scam or several of them. I was shocked to discover who was involved in all of this.
1:39...I think you are dead on. These people were scamming JP and Chexxxy somehow got wind of it. What a sad, sad mess...
3:30 pm: If fans were being scammed, it seems obvious that there is more than one "fake Clay" out there.
What we wonder is how jp's posting of similar information will be explained.
because the people involved were obviously putting one over on the stalker, otherwise he wouldn't have been so freaked and pissed.
That's arguable for sure but JP's stories are not internally consistent either. I don't know whether or not somebody was trying to scam the stalker, but I do know it was very convenient for JP to go along with the idea he was scammed.
If he was scammed makes him a victim. I think he would very much like everyone to believe he was a victim. He's not.
skeptical says
Maybe there's another Fake Clay - the one who's been talking to Chexxxy.
You have to wonder, don't you?
What we wonder is how jp's posting of similar information will be explained.
I think they have the same well of information they draw from. I don't think it needs to be any more mysterious/complicated than that.
He ABSOLUTELY is playing the victim. That has been his MO since day 1.
What I don't understand, and never will, is how people don't believe the IM conversations between he and "Clay" (which I don't believe, either) but automatically believe the IMs between he and the scammers. If he lies about one, he lies about all.
It's still a game and I can assure you, he is not done yet.
People will be suckered back into his swamp one more time with one more recant and there will be those who STILL believe him.
It's pathetic and sick.
I have just read Chexxxy's response to Fan Police Exposed. I wouldn't want to be her and the gang who align with her ideology. It is clear that she is unable to justify her immoral actions and is incapable of taking responsibility in part for the state of the on-line fandom. Her pearls are tarnished and she will be forever stigmatized as the corrupt orchestrator of the group who stalked those who didn't march to their music.
I am completely lost. Are all these people completely insane or am I reading this stuff wrong?
Here's a hint people: let Clay run his own life and career, mmmmkay.
At the moment, this seems like the most sane place in the Clay world. I'm glad that you are putting these facts out there. I hope a lot of people hear you. Whatever that crazy man jp did, which was bad enough, what Chexxy is doing might end up being even more destructive to Clay's career.
This is paranoia run amok. I think it's important that people know what is going on in Clay's name and supposedly on his behalf. Thank you for providing this service.
(I can't believe they think that Clay asked them to do this. That's preposterous.)
I guess there's no room for me here either since you chose not to post my comment because it contained the dreaded "g" word. You're no different from Chexxxy...in fact, you could be twins.
9:37pm: Your earlier comment was not about the issues raised in our blog, which is why it was not posted.
Another thing which doesn't make sense about Chexxxy's story is that she seems to be saying that these scammers scammed both Paulus to get him to shut down the blog and other fans for money.
I suppose that could be true but it doesn't seem very logical to me. I could see one or the other but not both. It doesn't seem like scammers would try to "protect" Clay at the same time they are trying take money from his fans by claiming he's a dead-beat dad. Those two activities would seem antithetical to me.
The private investigating has some fans spooked. I'm even a bit spooked.
She needs step away from all this before she does more harm. I can only pray she does so.
She won't step away because this is the most attention she's ever gotten in her whole life.
She is a "god" to those fools over on her blog. It makes me puke to read the crap posted there.
She's no better than JP as far as I'm concerned. When she doesn't want to answer a simple question, she spews back sarcastic bullshit. Very typical behavior for she and JP.
How sad is that?
Has anyone read Chexxy's latest message? Here are some excerpts.
"I was shocked to discover this enclave of evil loons that call themselves OC."
"I told about the wickedness that is afoot in the fandom because the various boards and their rules would not allow discussion of the villains and their evil plots."
"Evil can gain a foothold when good men do nothing."
"it all comes down to enabling the evil ones to operate within the fan community."
Does this kind of language give anyone else the willies besides me? People who see evil in simple fan websites are scary. People who believe they are on a mission, a crusade, who believe they are campaigning against evil, are scary people and can't be reasoned with.
Let's see. Pop music - supposed to be fun. Being a fan of a singer - supposed to be fun. When did all this evil crap come into it? Somebody is taking things way too seriously.
"Does this kind of language give anyone else the willies besides me?"
*raises hand*
I'm amazed that there seem to be so many that can't see how psycho this is. I mean, really, dangerously psycho. And you can't disagree with her because then you become one of "them" and get targeted yourself!
Too frikkin weird. No wonder this fandom is in trouble, and the rest of the world laughs at us.
Does anyone know what her rant against the OC board has to do with the "scammers"?
Or, for that matter, what her email from JP, in her first blog, has to do with the scammers?
She has a series of unconnected essays, that are supposed to tell a story, but most are left scratching their heads wondering what the hell she's rambling about.
Well I'd help but I don't understand her psychodrama either.
Does it matter to anyone here that all mention of Clay Aiken has been removed from the stalker's blog? You want to mark that up to coincidence, go right ahead, but you will be wrong.
5:44 pm: Not sure what you are getting at with your comment. Disagreement with Chexxxy's message and methods does not mean we support the stalker.
She may well have gotten him to stop talking about Clay. So kudos to Chexxy if thats true
Would JP have STFU long ago if Chexxy had not continued to egg him on? You gotta wonder.
I say she did Clay no favors in taking a one week media story for the long haul on the internet. It would have been over long ago.
Besides that, the blogs are still there...just on page 2.
These people REALLY want to take credit for what? If they think JP is done, they are nuts.
I am an intelligent person and I can not understand what Chexxxy is getting at. It's all hyperbole as far as I'm concerned.
She's trying to cover her ass.
"Does this kind of language give anyone else the willies besides me? People who see evil in simple fan websites are scary. People who believe they are on a mission, a crusade, who believe they are campaigning against evil, are scary people and can't be reasoned with."
It's terrifying, really. Concerning Chexxxy's latest blog on the OC, once upon a time, I hated the OC, the way some members made attacks on other boards, dropping innuendos just to mess with the fandom. Most of those doing that particular job seem to have matured or moved on, but guess who is doing that now? Who is trolling the OFC just to pounce on someone they don't like... to make trouble for the mods.... acting like middle schoolers. Yep, it's Chexxxy's gang and they bug me much more than the OC troublemakers ever did.
And no, I don't think that stalker blog made any sense either. It appears she started writing the story without knowing how it would end.
Apparently, anyone who disagrees with what she is posting is considered an OC person. Jesus. It's just so pathetic.
I'm not an OC person. Don't particularly like the lies that have been made up by SOME of their members. Don't like that one of their members, in particular, admitted to it in private circles but won't fess up for fear of losing her "status" on the board.
I think they have done harm to Clay with the stories they perpetuated but Chexxxy is doing as much if not more harm with this load of shit she's posting.
I know there are those at OC who do/have supported JP. That's where my understanding stops.
So I guess you heard that JP succeeded in getting into the National Enquirer again. He was being all mellow, but Chexxxy poked the hornets nest and this is what came of it. Thank you, Chexxxy. Egotistical, self-righteous idiot. Sorry but I'm mad and this was SO predictable!
Yep, just saw the spread in the NE and it is the story JP was using to get back at Chexxxy. So, are y'all who support Chexxxy/TAiken still patting her and yourselves on the back? Yes, he stopped blogging and got published in the NE, picture and all with his pants unzipped and the story about the recant recanted as well. How lovely. What a helpful bunch Chexxxy and her minions are. Leave it all alone already. This is maddening and so unnecessary. I wish all these people would just STOP IT!
And for anyone who may still believe that Clay's people know about Chexxxy's actions, think again. They have had it on IGNORE from the start not on INSTIGATE! They know that by reacting to this mess they only make it worse and Chexxy has not learned this very important lesson yet. Gee, tell me again how anything the fans have done in reaction to this has helped. Clay had it right from the start and if everyone respected his wishes it would be over and done with. Yeah, I'm mad too!
Congrats to Chexxy.
She poked at JP, fought with him, thought she could win.
The National Enquirer story is the direct result of her actions.
I told you he wasn't done. For anyone who believed he was, I have a bridge I'd like to sell.
This one stops at Chexxxy's door. No one else to blame. You can't play games with people sick in the head and expect to win.
This man is vengeful, he will do whatever, whenever to make sure he is portrayed as the victim. How could Chexxxy be so STUPID to not know that?
I hate this shit. Hate it.
Everyone seems to think Clay should make a statement about this church...while I agree their "practices" suck, if Jesse and Sean are ok with performing there, why should anything be said? If Jesse and Sean are uncomfortable, I'm sure they would tell Clay AND something would be done to change this venue.
They aren't children. They are both out gay men...if this affects anyone it will effect them.
JP is threatening more shit, too. Making threats of protests and going after Clay with the big guns. Of course, he says HE wouldn't do it. Yeah, right.
The NE story is the direct result of JP's mania. You are kidding yourself if you think leaving John alone would make him stop. Bullies don't stop until they get a taste of their own medicine and get tired of it.
You have two choices when being bullied:
1. You can ignore and hope the bully will go away. In the mean time you suffer while the bully enjoys himself.
2. You can dish it right back at the bully. You will still suffer, but so will the bully. Most times, the bully will back off.
Seems John had to back off on his blog. So something that went down from the Chexxy encounter gave the bully pause to delete his files on Clay.
If the church cancels the concert, Clay will have grounds for a lawsuit pertaining to interference with his making a living.
Sorry, the only credit Chexxxy can claim in the encounter is that she is responsible for jp going on the warpath again. Before her first blog, he was dying out. After she posted the first one, he went ballistic and stayed that way.
Direct result. Chexxxy doesn't understand that very well.
"You have two choices when being bullied:
1. You can ignore and hope the bully will go away. In the mean time you suffer while the bully enjoys himself.
2. You can dish it right back at the bully. You will still suffer, but so will the bully. Most times, the bully will back off."
Yes - CLAY had those two choices. And he made his choice. Who is Chexxy, or anyone else, to second-guess Clay?
Amen shadow
here's hoping she's learning.
hit a nerve, how long do you suggest people throw it back at the "bully"? Good Christ, it's going on 2 years. He hasn't backed down one iota nor will he.
He isn't a bully he is mentally ill. He is psychotic and paranoid. He is obsessed. He is CRAZY.
You don't poke someone as mentally ill as this scumbag and not expect him to come out fighting.
His blogs aren't erased. They are archived. He will pull this shit back out the minute it suits him. He's already spewing shit at the "neutral" blog. Yeah, right, he's done.
What bullshit.
As long as anyone pays attention to him, Paulus will continue. For anyone to suggest Chexxxy is right in stirring up this creep is as insane as he is. You don't try to deal with someone as insane as John Paulus unless you are professionally assigned to do so. He could become a real physical danger and we all know who he would target. For those of you who think it is right to defy Clay's stated request to ignore, you all need to think hard and long at why you think you have that right. You don't. I've done some reading on this and everyone who gets into it with Paulus is doing exactly what Paulus wants. He's a warrior, doncha know? He likes mind games and he messes with heads. He is military trained and sadly, he is mentally ill. That makes him a dangerous and unpredictable person and he needs to be left alone. He is way more than a bully so calling him that is very inappropriate. He is, rather, a stalker and that makes him very sick and disturbed. Who are you people that think it is okay to rile him up?
"If the church cancels the concert, Clay will have grounds for a lawsuit pertaining to interference with his making a living."
It wouldn't surprise me if this was Chexxxy's plans all along by stirring up the swamp, get the concert cancelled. And they are all going to be so pissed if Clay doesn't do what they want.
I'm appalled to discover how many easily manipulated, immature and delusional fans Clay has. Sad. They are playing a dangerous game and I blame anyone who is involved with Chexxxy's for the outcome.
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