Fakes. There have always been fakes in the celebrity world. The advent of the internet and online fandoms has brought about a whole new set of problems, that of people pretending to be the celebrity online and convincing fans. In the Clay fandom, there have been rumors of fake Clays since the very beginning. People learned to roll their eyes, shrug their shoulders, and deal.

This would all be semi-amusing except the pictures are of real people, and real people know them. Is the information correct? Would the Chief Online Investigator (COI) know? Why trust her "knowledge," which comes from sources who may only have an incomplete story or are simply taking the word of another, or taking the word of people who themselves are stalkers of Clay's family and friends! Why do they think anyone who really knows Clay is going to tell THEM anything? All of which begs these questions: Is their "knowledge" to be trusted? And better yet, WHY the hell are they doing this anyway? WHO does this help?
The rhetoric of the COI and her followers is full of righteous indignation about how wonderful the COI is, how she is trying to save Clay from those perpetuating the 'scam', how awful and evil the 'scammers' are, and how those who don't support the COI are haters and out to ruin Clay. It's also unsettling that a swarm of new members, ostensibly eager to be in on the action, have joined Chexxxy's Place, swearing their allegiance to Chexxxy and her methods.
What exactly do the COI and her crack team hope to accomplish?
One assumes they are looking for 'fake Clay,' but all they really seem to be doing is pointing out people they call bad fans, using no proof and plenty of insinuation. The idea that fans can trust each other is a thing of the past. The regretful new mantra of the Clay Nation is "Trust No One." Yes, this is the inevitable outcome of rumor-mongering and finger-pointing.

Why is this happening?
Since it appears most likely that there has been a fake Clay causing problems, then why not turn it over to Clay's security and be done with it? Clay has professional security people. He doesn't need 'fan police' running around "investigating" when he has trained professionals.
By making this such a public mess, the COI has hurt people, and provoked an obsessed blogger who didn't need to be provoked. Even more ominous, this blog has been informed of private investigators being hired by the COI and her wealthy bankrollers. That's right -- real, paid private investigators to investigate the backgrounds of fans that Chexxxy and her gang think are not "good" enough, or who are in some way "suspicious," according to their standards.
What would happen if the COI and her team would hang up their spyglasses, give their information to Clay's security, and let the fandom settle down to enjoy Clay's activities in the coming months? After all, tabloids take "evidence" and make life miserable for people... people like Clay!! How do they really KNOW that they are helping Clay? Or is this just a way to make themselves feel better by finding people to blame for things they can't control?
Tabloid mentality, stalking, private investigators, and fans not trusting each other—is this what this fandom is really becoming? How is this a good thing?